BCSA Policies

This page is dedicated to making available Big Country Soccer Association (BCSA) policies.  Our policies are vital to ensure the integrity of the youth development soccer program with BCSA and its registered members as well as our continued efforts and commitment to meeting the requirement and governance of Canada Soccer Association (CSA) and their Code of Ethics, as well as Alberta Soccer Association (ASA).

Although BCSA is only possible through the continued dedication of volunteers at all levels within BCSA and its registered members, having the following organized policies allows BCSA to establish consistency in its efforts with the soccer program.  These policies are available to all parties to access and become familiar with the systems that are in place to support not just youth development but also program growth.

Policies are reviewed frequently to ensure that remain current and in meeting with the current requirements and governance of CSA and ASA.  The policies listed below are considered to be the most up to date version.  If a visitor has a printed version of any documents listed below, it is their responsibility to compare their copy to that one posted on this page to ensure they have the most recent version.


BCSA is committed to providing a safe environment and program for youth developmental soccer.  In support of this commitment, the following policy is in place and is supported by the Board of BCSA and must be adhered to by BCSA registered members.  This policy is the tip of our Standards for Quality Soccer (SQS) efforts and will be reviewed annually by the BCSA Board to ensure it remains current to our SQS program and the governance we are required to adhere to both Provincially (ASA), and Nationally (CSA).

Big Country Soccer Association Policy



The following policies have been established and are enforced as part of BCSA's Standards for Quality Soccer (SQS) program.  It is the responsibility of all BCSA registered members to become familiar with the details of the policies in support of youth developmental soccer in their communities.  Any questions regarding the polices are to be directed to the President and/ or Vice-President for BCSA.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Illicit Substances Policy

Coaching Code of Conduct

Coaching Youth in Sport Policy

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Policy

Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy

Friendly Fan Policy

Field and Field Equipment Policy

Harassment Policy

Long-Term Player Development Policy

Rule of Two Policy

Smoke-Free Sport Policy

Volunteer Screening Policy

Zero Tolerance Policy



The following policies have been established by BCSA to recognize requirements published by ASA and/ or CSA that must be part of the soccer program at BCSA.  Additionally, any BCSA operational requirements where a policy is necessary for BCSA and its registered members to recognize and support in matters necessary for the soccer program to function.

Accessibilities for Albertans with Abilities

 Air Quality Guidelines Policy

Commitment to Culture Policy 

 First Aid Policy

Game Cancellation Policy

Healthy Snacks Policy

Lightning and Severe Weather Policy

Match Official Code of Conduct

Non-Member Soccer Events Policy

Sponsorship and Donations Policy

Updates to Membership Policy 



Canada Soccer Association Code of Ethics


Upcoming Events

Apr. 12, 2025 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Outdoor Referee Refresher Course
Carstairs Memorial Arena

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