BCSA Governance

Big Country Soccer Association (BCSA) has established critical governance as part of the overall program set-up.  Governance refers to the structure, systems, and practices that BCSA has in place to:

  1. Assign decision-making authorities, define how decision are to me made, and establish BCSA's overall strategic direction.

  2. Oversee the delivery of our services, the implementation of our policies, plans, programs, and projects, and the monitoring and mitigation of key risks.

  3. Report on our performance in achieving intended results and use performance information to drive continual improvement efforts and actions.

 BCSA recognizes the following basic principles for good governance:

  • ACCOUNTABILITY- Our obligation to answer for the responsibilities noted in the program.

  • LEADERSHIP- The "tone at the top" sets in motion good governance.

  • INTEGRITY- Is reflected in part through compliance to recognized standards, external governing body governances, policies, as well as through instilling of high standards and professionalism through BCSA and its registered members.

  • STEWARTSHIP- Recognizing, maintaining, and improving the necessary resources to provide a sustainable soccer program.

  • TRANSPARENCY- Is achieved when BCSA decisions and actions are open; meaning that registered members, program participants, spectators, and governing bodies, have access to full and accurate information on the program in place with BCSA.


BCSA By-Laws- 2018

BCSA Rules and Regulations- 2018


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