BCSA Coaching Guidelines

WELCOME COACHES!  Firstly, welcome to Big Country Soccer Association (BCSA).  The success of this program can only be made available by having a strong group of dedicated volunteer coaches.  Coaching is a tremendously rewarding experience in youth developmental soccer.  However, for this coaches that are new to coaching, we know you may have questions, or looking to find out what supports are available to you and your efforts. 

The following page is devoted to providing BCSA coaches with resources and support to make their experience in youth developmental soccer coaching a positive one.  BCSA supports the Standards for Quality Soccer (SQS) and part of the SQS program is to ensure a strong relationship between BCSA and its coaches in order to ensure coaches have the most up to date information on Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) standards and requirements.  As new information is made available, it will be updated on this page.  We recognize that for coaches to be successful, BCSA needs to be committed to:

  1. Providing soccer guidelines to help them establish positive coaching routines.

  2. Providing information on the latest soccer coaching developmental courses, training, and certification opportunities.

  3. Providing coaches with soccer age-specific curriculums to help coaches recognize and understand the focus required at the age level for proper Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) practices.


BCSA has developed formation guides to help coaches understand the differences between the various formation that may be available to them and the age group they are coaching.  These guides are not all encompassing but do provide coaches with general details to help them select a formation that may fit the players that have on their team in order to achieve better success over other formations.

5 vs 5 Formation Guide

6 vs 6 Formation Guide

8 vs 8 Formation Guide

9 vs 9 Formation Guide

7 vs 7 Formation Guide

11 vs 11 Formation Guide 



In support of Long-Term Player Development (LTPD), BCSA has developed age group curriculums and guides.  These guides are to be followed as the basis for coaching each age group through the 4-corner development model for grassroots youth soccer.  These curriculums provide coaches with focus points to help with gradual and sustainable youth player development that is age appropriate that supports the Canadian model for LTPD.  Coaches are encouraged to use these curriculums when developing coaching plans for their teams.

U5 Coaching Program Curriculum - ACTIVE START

U7 Coaching Program Curriculum - FUNDEMENTAL

U9 Coaching Program Curriculum - FUNDEMENTAL

U11 Coaching Program Curriculum - LEARN TO TRAIN 

U13 and Older Coaching Program Curriculum - TRAIN TO TRAIN



These documents provide coaches with the coaching requirements and responsibilities of BCSA.  This guide is necessary in order to standardize player development requirements in support of Canada Soccer Association (CSA) and Alberta Soccer Association (ASA).

Coaching Guideline

10-Points for BCSA Coaches!

RAMP GameSheets app Instructions

U9 Competitive Guidelines

Guide to the Game- Offside Rule U11


The following practice plans are examples that are developed to follow the 4-corner development model.  BCSA encourages coaches to develop practice plans by researching ideas and using the age group curriculums to build a strong approach to the practices.  For more support and information on building practice plans, contact BCSA President, Vice-President, and/ or Treasurer. 

The following link is the blank template that coaches can use to support the development of their own specific practice plans that meet the format supporting the Four-Corner Development Model: BCSA Soccer Practice Plan Template







 U5 Station Session Plan- Dribbling

 Moving with the Ball

Rondo Pass and Movement

Pass, Movement, and Through-Ball 



 Ball Dribbling and Control

Ball Dribbling and Control 

 Keeper- Reactions









 Passing Basics

The Importance of Space 




Strike on Goal 

Scanning- Keeping Your Head Up 




Keeper- Diving 





 Pass and Movement Grid 1





Warm-Up Challenge- Moving Ball as a Team on Head 





Passing Circle with Progression 




Defending Basics- The Start




Part of BCSA's commitment to developing a positive experience for our participants, is to ensure we are also using recognized and proven best practices regarding injury reduction in youth sports in support of BCSA's Standard Quality Soccer (SQS) requirements.  We are committed to providing support to coaches on the FIFA11+ Kids Program and the standard FIFA11+ Program as part of the soccer curriculum for BCSA.

For any questions on the FIFA 11+ program, please contact the BCSA President, Vice-President, and/ or Treasurer.  Below you will find a brief presentation on the FIFA 11+ program and the posters that coaches can print off and laminate for their use.

FIFA 11 Plus Presentation

FIFA 11+ Standard Poster

FIFA 11+ Kids Poster

FIFA 11+ Demonstration Video


ASA 8 vs 8 Law Book

2023 Advanced Coaching Education Program FAQs

Alberta Soccer Association (ASA)

Alberta Soccer Association (ASA) Player Pathway

Alberta Soccer Association (ASA)- Coach

Canada Soccer Association (CSA) 

Canada Soccer Association Grassroots Standards

Canada Soccer Association- Coach Education Minimum Standards

Canada Soccer Association- Coaching Pathway

Canada Soccer Association Concussion Policy

Canada Soccer Association (CSA) Guide to Accessibility and Inclusion

Coaching Association of Canada- Soccer

FIFA Laws of the Game 2023


Upcoming Events

Apr. 12, 2025 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Outdoor Referee Refresher Course
Carstairs Memorial Arena

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