BCSA Concussion Protocol

Big Country Soccer Association (BCSA) is committed to player safety.  Part of this commitment is to recognize in the sport of soccer, there is a risk of player concussions.  A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on a standard x-ray, CT scan, or MRI.  This type of injury affects the way the player is able to process information and think in the short term.  Untreated, there are a variety of other symptoms that the player may be impacted by may include:

Concussion Symptoms

BCSA has established the Concussion Policy and supplementary forms that are to be used to help recognized potential concussion injuries, as well as set in motion a proper return to sport program that will ensure the player is recovering in stages to ensure a proper and safety return to the sport. Note the following requirements for coaches and parents to follow:

BCSA Concussion Policy

BCSA Return-to-Play Policy

Suspected Concussion Report

Remove From Sport Protocol Summary

Return to Sport Protocol Tracking Form


Canada Soccer Association Concussion Policy

Coach Sport Safety- Concussion Awareness


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Apr. 12, 2025 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Outdoor Referee Refresher Course
Carstairs Memorial Arena

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